okie.. x'mas celebration just havent end yet! lolx.. oh yeah! today our MCA team gather at times square! haha.. is been some time we didnt gather together and gossip-ing ady. miss our secondary school memory. well today is the day for us to gather and celebrate christmas! haha.. so around 1pm, john come and fetch me up.. den we went to ekin house to fetch him as well.. while jason and william going by their transport. we reached low yat about 3pm.. without wastin any more time, we walked to red box! haha.. few week din sing-k ady! i'm addicted to sing nowdays! hehe. oh yeah. make sure visit my friendster blog, gonna post some intresting video. XD
so after karaoke session finished about 6.30pm, our next plan- MOVIE! haha.. den quickly walked from low yat to times square to get the ticket "IP MAN"~ luckily we manage to get ticket in last minute.. lolx.. the seat also quite nice. not too back, not too back. hehe. 15 minute before the show start, we hang around times square to killed the time and i saw papa's john pizza restaurant finally open. haha.. gonna try it soon. we walked till forget the time.. shit! then we rushed back to cinema for the show! -IP MAN!

Ip Man is adapted from the life story of Ip Man, the grand master of the Wing Chun style of kung fu and sifu (master) of legendary kung fu superstar Bruce Lee. This movie will be the first important record of the master's life. Ip's persistent devotion to Wing Chun is a classic example of the love and respect shown to wushu and the freedom and spirit it represents. Ip Man is a concept, a spirit, a way of thinking - and it represent a new peak in Hong Kong’s wushu movies.
donnie yen's movie never let you disappointed. he prove it right once again in his latest movie- IP Man. the story is just simple and nice. unlike others movie, complicated and not understand at all. the action of martial art is just nice. man.. non-stop action, from begining till the end. i will rate this 3.5 out of 5 stars! whoever still havent watch yet, get the ticket with the popcorn. worth your money and 100% satisfied! :)
the movie ends at 8.45pm, jason and william leave first since they rushin for time. so left myself, john and ekin. we walked awhile at times square and searchin right present to david.. but.. huhu.. couldnt find. so we walked back to low yat, get back the car and john us back to setapak.

after sendin ekin to home, i and john having our dinner/supper at the staff nearby my house. lolx.. we started feel hungry.. haha.. yea la.. havent eat our dinner yet, somemore is raining day leh. going to sleep now. hope u guys enjoy ur weekend like i do. nitez everyone! :)
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