yo! Aloha readers! yea.. finally im back on track to continue blog for the night of The Storm Warriors Party. sorry for the delayed. busy with my work and streamyx connection getting worst to sucks. damn it. cant online for whole day since last night! SIGH!! ><"
arhh.. forget bout it, lets the pictures tell the story of the night of...
The Storm Warriors Party!

after we step in to the entrance, both of us been given a freebies gift as well they serve us free flow of alcohol and soft drink as well with the yummmy food! totally enjoy the food very much! :)

and for sure the party is crowded with lucky fans who been selected to a part to meet Ekin and Aaron in person. :)

at last time for us to......

about 9pm.. the party finally get STARTED!



so the party started with the game with the fans!
please do enjoy the pictures and video as lots of funny moment there. :)

oh yea! if you think Ekin and Aaron only have chinese fans,


the party continue with the
"So You Think You Can Dance" Contest! xD

to be continue.....
stay tune for the next post. xD
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