hohoho!! merry christmas!! yeah right! 2 more days to go before christmas! really excited for it. hehe.. last week our Chartis team had our pre-x'mas celebration by having a portluck party. and i gonna say OMG!! the foods was too many than wat i expected and its super yummy!! from apertizer to desersts, from eastern to western! and seriously i ate till feel wanna vomit. WTF! lolx.
so as usual, let the the pictures tell the story:

Portluck #1


Fried Nuggets & Chicken

Roasted Chicken

the party started with certificate and gift giving to top achievement for last month campagin by our CEO, Mr Clift accompany by our Manager, Miss Serene as well together with our campagin consultant, Miss Mag.

All waiting for the result

At last, Nurul been announced as top archiver of the month

no more talk, no more WAIT!! time to MAKANNN!!! xD



at last after finished enjoy our lunchie, Spohia been surprised by us for celebrated her bday in advance!

Birthday Cake


Serene & Sophia

yummy cake!
to be continue....
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