Tasty Pot BBQ Steamboat
Last sunday on the 6th December, i went out with my couzies, Elaine and Eddie to meet up Kah Lin which she just arrived to KL. this is our first outing gathering after 2 years. ohh gosh.. really miss the time we work together in diners. have lots of fun and really enjoy it. =)
so as usual, lets the pictures tells the story:


is my first time to have a dinner here and gonna say it's fantastic! oh yea. i do enjoy the dishes very much especially the honey chicken wing and bbq lamb! really ate alot till i can feel my tummy getting round and bigger ady. lolx. anyway is a nice outing with both my couzie and kah lin. remind me the time when we was working in diners. hopefully in future we will have this kind of outing offen with the makan-makan mission.
and then after almost 3 hours...

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