watched it during a trip to penang. i got no idea why i go for this movie.. perhaps coz of chi ling? lolx. she really super pretty! fell in love with her since her first debut in red clift. but somehow is very disappointed. the show was too slow, too fake, and yea.. JAY CHOU CANT ACT!! lolx.. almost fall to sleep -__-"
below is a summary of the movie:
In the northwest desert where countless prosperous dynasties have flourished and fallen, there is rumour of a buried treasure of unbelievable riches. A group of mysterious guardians have kept the map to the location safe, until a fierce rivalry erupts. A notorious international crime group, The Company, hunts down the map keepers and before they manage to secure it, the keeper passes the map to a young chivalrous man named Ciao Fei (Jay Chou). Ciao Fei is forced to give up the map to save the life of his mentor's daughter Lan Ting (Lin Chi Ling). Teaming up with archaeologist Hua Ding Bang and Lan Ting, they embark on a dangerous journey to recover the map and fight to protect the ancient treasure.
In Kevin Chu's "Treasure Hunter", "The Mummy" gets an Asian treatment as Taiwanese tomb raiders go to Mainland China and frolick about in the deep desert to cook up some Indiana Jones adventure. Mr. Chou does manage to do better this time around. He's a devil-may-care, bike-riding cowboy drifter who's also the guardian of an ancient city. Armed with kungfu and long flowing rebel hair, he also finds time to fall in love with a young author played by a vibrant Lin Chi Ling. Throw in a mysterious treasure map and some generic villains and you get a full feature with enough visual rewards to make it worth your time.

However, the obviously derivative elements in "Treasure Hunter" won't find too much support among more discerning adventure movie fans. The hybrid production set combines worlds that are both ancient and modern, so the movie can be very unsettling at times. Still no fan of Chou's will give this a miss and his star appeal will be enough to elevate this to some level of box office success. Perhaps in territories like China where the influx of Hollywood movies are capped and governed by law, everyone will think that Jay Chou cracking a whip is the birth of a new hero icon. The rest are probably just happy that he didn't spot a fedora.
credit: cinema online
i would rate it 2/5.. and seriously i advice
dont ever watch it if you're not Jay Chou fans!
p/s: i have to stop before hardcore fans of jay chase me with PARANG! xD
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