dear readers,
im here would like to wish ya all...
ok.. i aware abit late but better than never right?! xD
so on the new year eve i date with Svun for the celebration. i went to subang bout 5pm and meet her up there then we went to Jake's Charbroil Steaks at Medan Damansara for our dinner! highly recommended by Svun's friends and her brother in law. so we decided to give it a try! =D

Jake's Charbroil Steaks


Honey Dew & Watermelon Juice
(no sugar and water added)

Our Main Course

Chicken Mushroom

Chicken Boebaw


Jake's New Year "Collectible" doorgift
Heart It! =D
the place was fantastic! the services very friendly! and the main course are superB! just the price a little pricey. buy hey.. trust me. really worth it! no doubt im will back again for their signature steaks (RM138). so that's our final dinner of 2009! =D
stay tune for the countdown to 2010 at pavilion on the next post! xD
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